4 lakh Recruitments in UP for Youth in future, Lucknow News in Hindi -

Rajesh Kumar at  2018-08-27  at 18:26:24
4 lakh Recruitments in UP For Youth in future , Lucknow News in Hindi -

Yogi Adityanath said that due to the corruption and crime prevailing in previous governments, the businessman and industrialist had migrated from this state. Ever since the BJP government came to power in this state. Prosecutors are running away from the badmash region or the jail is being thrown. Many of the miscreants have been killed in criminal encounters. There is an atmosphere of security in the state. Now a large number of industrialists and merchants are now in the state due to the end of fear.: निवेश करके उद्योग लगाना चाह रहे है।


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