Rajasthan GK 1927 Se bijoliya Kisaan Andolan Ke Mukhya Neta Kaun The ?

Q.24643: 1927 से बिजौलिया किसान आंदोलन के मुख्य नेता कौन थे ?
A. माणिक्यलाल वर्मा
B. विजयसिंह पथिक
C. रामनारायण चौधरी
D. साधु सीताराम दास
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1927 से बिजौलिया किसान आंदोलन के मुख्य नेता कौन थे ? - Who was the main leader of the Bijolia peasant movement since 1927? - 1927 Se bijoliya Kisaan Andolan Ke Mukhya Neta Kaun The ? Rajasthan GK in hindi,  इतिहास कला एवं संस्कृति vijaysingh Pathik question answers in hindi pdf  RamNarayann Chaudhary questions in hindi, Know About mannikyaLaal Verma Rajasthan GK online test Rajasthan GK notes in hindi quiz book    Sadhu Seetaram Daas

Anonymous on 01-01-1900

Sadhu Sitaram das was main leader of This Aandolan.. And after him, Vijaysingh Pathik became leader of this aandolan. Ramnarayan Chaudhari is not even related to this aandolan.. He is related to Bengu Kisan Aandolan.

Anonymous on 01-01-1900

Aतो बेगुनाही का है।