English Grammar Write the meaning of underlined word:

Q.130485: Write the meaning of underlined word:

I have been racking my brains all day to remember the name of the institution that offers the desired course. What is the meaning of the underlines idiom?
A. Getting deeply involved
B. Identifying different things
C. Think hard to remember something
D. Anxious to learn something new
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I have been racking my brains all day to remember the name of the institution that offers the desired course. What is the meaning of the underlines idiom? - I have been racking my brains all day to remember the name of the institution that offers the desired course. What is the meaning of the underlines idiom? - Write the meaning of underlined word: English Grammar in hindi,  Meaning of Words  question answers in hindi pdf   questions in hindi, Know About English Grammar online test English Grammar notes in hindi quiz book    

555 on 14-05-2023