English Grammar Choose the meaning closest to the idioms written below and underlined.

Q.130413: Choose the meaning closest to the idioms written below and underlined.

The police are trying to solve this case.
A. is working with
B. have
C. has
D. no correction
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The police are trying to solve this case. - The police are trying to solve this case. - Choose the meaning closest to the idioms written below and underlined. English Grammar in hindi,  Idioms  question answers in hindi pdf   questions in hindi, Know About English Grammar online test English Grammar notes in hindi quiz book    

Sãûråßh kushwåhã on 18-05-2022

The police are trying to solve this case.

A is working with

B have

C has

D no correction

Anonymous on 01-01-1900

Answer will be is , was or were not from options given