Kis Rang Ke Prakash Ka Prakeernan Sabse Adhik Hota Hai किस रंग के प्रकाश का प्रकीर्णन सबसे अधिक होता है

किस रंग के प्रकाश का प्रकीर्णन सबसे अधिक होता है

GkExams on 23-11-2018


सम्बन्धित प्रश्न

Comments S.B. on 27-02-2023

आकाश का रंग नीला क्यों दिखाई देता है कारण बताओ

Vivek on 17-11-2021

Prakash ka prakiran Kam hota hai

Vivek on 17-11-2021

Swasth netra ka nikat bindu kitna cm hota hai

Monika on 07-04-2021

Kis rang ka taraddhrya adhik hota h

Mukesh on 26-12-2020

Prakash ki matra kis rang me sabse jada Hoti hai

Prince pandey on 28-02-2020

Firozi colour kaisha hota hai

Ankit Kumar on 28-02-2020

Kis rang ka tarang hai sabse adhik hota Hai

Shammi kumar on 19-01-2020

Prakas ka parkiran kid Sushant par karay karta hai

Mukund Chauhan on 29-12-2018

Need a

Aaryendra yadav on 01-01-2019

प्रकाश का प्रकीर्णन सबसे कम होता है

Rishiram on 03-08-2019

Kis rang ke prakas ka apvartnank sabse adhik hota hai

kis rang ka prakiran sabse adhig hota h on 30-08-2019

kis rang Ka prakiran sabse adik hota h

Kumar tejasvi on 14-11-2019

Kis rang ka vichalan kam hota hai

Kumar tejasvi on 14-11-2019

Avarakt prakash kya hai

Gautam saheja on 23-12-2019

Baigani rang ka light adhik hota hai

Gautam saheja on 23-12-2019

Red ka light Kam hota hai

Kisme kam on 10-01-2020

A avav

नीचे दिए गए विषय पर सवाल जवाब के लिए टॉपिक के लिंक पर क्लिक करें Culture Question Bank International Relations Security and Defence Social Issues English Antonyms English Language English Related Words English Vocabulary Ethics and Values Geography Geography - india Geography -physical Geography-world River Gk GK in Hindi (Samanya Gyan) Hindi language History History - ancient History - medieval History - modern History-world Age Aptitude- Ratio Aptitude-hindi Aptitude-Number System Aptitude-speed and distance Aptitude-Time and works Area Art and Culture Average Decimal Geometry Interest L.C.M.and H.C.F Mixture Number systems Partnership Percentage Pipe and Tanki Profit and loss Ratio Series Simplification Time and distance Train Trigonometry Volume Work and time Biology Chemistry Science Science and Technology Chattishgarh Delhi Gujarat Haryana Jharkhand Jharkhand GK Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Rajasthan States Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand Bihar Computer Knowledge Economy Indian culture Physics Polity

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