भारत में 6 लाख, ४९ हज़ार 4 सौ ८१ गांव है, सबसे ज्यादा गांव उत्तर प्रदेश में है, और सबसे कम गांव चंडीगढ़ में है, उत्तर प्रदेश में १ लाख ७ हज़ार ७ सेव ५३ गांव है, चंडीगढ़ में सिर्फ १३ गांव है
State Total Villages
उत्तर प्रदेश के गांव 107753
Andaman and Nicobar Islands 560
Andhra Pradesh 28293
Arunachal Pradesh 5616
Assam 26637
Bihar 45076
Chandigarh 13
Chhattisgarh 20335
Dadra Nagar Haveli 71
Daman Diu 27
Goa 411
Gujarat 18676
Haryana 7007
Himachal Pradesh 20752
Jammu Kashmir 6768
Jharkhand 32623
Karnataka 29736
Kerala 1553
Lakshadweep 27
Madhya Pradesh 55429
Maharashtra 44198
Manipur 2639
Meghalaya 6861
Mizoram 853
Nagaland 1454
NCT of Delhi 225
Odisha 51583
Puducherry 101
Punjab 12858
Rajasthan 44981
Sikkim 460
Tamil Nadu 17089
Tripura 901
Uttarakhand 16919
West Bengal 40996
Bharat mai shyampur gav kaha par HAI
विशव मे कितने गाव है
jio phone kisane banaya
jio phone kisane banaya
नीचे दिए गए विषय पर सवाल जवाब के लिए टॉपिक के लिंक पर क्लिक करें Culture Question Bank International Relations Security and Defence Social Issues English Antonyms English Language English Related Words English Vocabulary Ethics and Values Geography Geography - india Geography -physical Geography-world River Gk GK in Hindi (Samanya Gyan) Hindi language History History - ancient History - medieval History - modern History-world Age Aptitude- Ratio Aptitude-hindi Aptitude-Number System Aptitude-speed and distance Aptitude-Time and works Area Art and Culture Average Decimal Geometry Interest L.C.M.and H.C.F Mixture Number systems Partnership Percentage Pipe and Tanki Profit and loss Ratio Series Simplification Time and distance Train Trigonometry Volume Work and time Biology Chemistry Science Science and Technology Chattishgarh Delhi Gujarat Haryana Jharkhand Jharkhand GK Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Rajasthan States Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand Bihar Computer Knowledge Economy Indian culture Physics Polity
Question bharat me present me kul kitne village h