REET Level 2 answer Key child development and pedagogy

Rajesh Kumar at  2018-08-27  at 16:43:44
REET Level 2 answer Key child development and pedagogy
REET Level 2 answer Key child development and pedagogy

Click for updated REET answer key with solution
For the proper development of a child at school, parents and teachers can do the following: (which one ?)
Parents and teachers can do the following for proper development of a child in adolescence: (निम्न में से कौन सा?)
"Whenever someone fails to get out of his weaknesses and gets some proficiency or generally: अधीनता या अपकर्ष को ज्यादा बल देने लगता है । ” ऊपरी लिखित तथ्य को किसने “ हीन-भावना ” कहा?

REET Level 2 answer Key child development and pedagogy खण्ड-I CHILD DEVELOPMENT AND PEDAGOGY बाल विकास एवं शिक्षाशास्त्र

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